Welcome to Racket & Friends!

- Supporting next generation players -

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Köp nya DoPadel här!

Vilken fantastisk respons!
Vi är stolta och glada över den fantastiska feedback vi fått på Superior Series 2.0!

Köp NU!

Padel rackets

Here you will find all nice paddles from Dopadel and Softee Padel

Take me there!


Here you will find all padel accessories such as Padel Bags, Grip Wraps, Grip Spray, Socks, Caps etc.

Shop now!

We were involved from the start and continue investing...

We who run Racket & Friends have been involved since padel's arrival in Sweden, with a common driving force - Passion for the sport!

Together, we invest further in the redrawn padel landscape in our elongated country, and our investments will primarily be aimed at the next generation of players!

Here we go! - Padel 2.0!

//Team Racket & Friends

Padel rackets from DoPadel

Check out the steaming fresh Castor and Pollux paddles in DoPadel's latest Superior series

Out of stock DoPadel Castor 2.0 DoPadel Castor 2.0 Choose

DoPadel Castor 2.0

3 395 kr
DoPadel Stellar 2.0 DoPadel Stellar 2.0 Choose

DoPadel Stellar 2.0

3 395 kr
DoPadel Pollux 2.0 DoPadel Pollux 2.0 Choose

DoPadel Pollux 2.0

3 295 kr
Out of stock DoPadel Zenith DoPadel Zenith Choose

DoPadel Zenith

3 495 kr 2 495 kr
Out of stock DoPadel Castor PRO DoPadel Castor PRO Choose

DoPadel Castor PRO

3 495 kr 2 495 kr

Padel rackets from Softee

Check out the latest racket collection here

Racket test

Now we have launched our service for you where we send the racket home to you for trial play!

No more buying the pig in the sack and then losing money on buy & sell sites - Try then buy!

Try now!